The Path To Hidden Riches In Christ

Dec 25, 2020Written Devotionals

2 “I will go before you And make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze And cut the bars of iron.  I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the Lord, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.”  Isaiah 45:2-3    NKJV

Sometimes it is difficult to put our hope in what is ahead for us because we cannot always see it from our vantage point here in the present.  The pathway to where He leads is not always straight and clear because this world (the enemy of your soul) makes the pathway crooked.  But what Jesus has intended for you still lies ahead of you.  His plans are before you even if you can’t see them so just keep walking head in confidence.  He has said that He will take responsibility for making the crooked path straight.  Walking a crooked path takes more time than walking a straight path because we wind up having to walk a lot more.  Just walk in His direction with your eyes fixed upon Jesus and He will take care of making your path straight, level, and easy to traverse as you keep walking forward. 

I love the next imagery.  This is part of a prophecy to Cyrus.  He was to overthrow the Babylonians and there was actually a very ornate gate that was at the city entrance.  It seemed impregnable but it was up to the Lord to break it to pieces and prepare the way for him.  Within the gate was the wealth of the unrighteous waiting there for Cyrus to possess.  This all came to pass for Cyrus as God spoke it. 

The enemy puts barriers in front of you as you walk the path and it may seem impossible to enter into the beautiful city that is established for you in Jesus.  However, your only responsibility is to believe and keep moving ahead in faith.  That which seems impossible, the gates that would seem to bar you from entering into the place He has assigned you, will be torn away within your sight. 

Then you can enter into what Jesus has prepared for you.  The treasures are already prepared and all lie before you. They are not where you are at right now.  These are the things the enemy has kept hidden in his darkness, but they will be exposed to the light of Jesus.  You simply keep moving ahead on that pathway before you.  Think of it, there are things the enemy has deceptively hidden away from you through life but they are about to be exposed and received by you.  There are talents, skills abilities and actual things to possess, treasures to enable you to do all the things Jesus has put in front of you.  The wealth of the wicked has been laid up for you as you enter into that place He has assigned to you. 

 J Todd Hostetler




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