The Enemy’s Plans Lie in Ruins
8 After some time, when he returned to get her, he turned aside to see the carcass of the lion. And behold, a swarm of bees and honey were in the carcass of the lion. Judges 14:8 NKJV
In this story Samson had previously been confronted by a roaring lion in his path impeding his progress. But Judges 14 tells us that Samson defeated that roaring lion with his own hands in the strength of the Spirit of the Lord. The enemy will come at you like a roaring lion according to 1 Peter 5:8, but like Samson we are not to turn away and go a different route. Samson defeated the lion but for you and I our enemy has already been defeated by Jesus, all we have to do is enforce the enemies defeat. We do this by not running but advancing against the enemy in the name and authority of Jesus. The Bible tells us in James 4:7 that as we submit to the Lord and resist the devil he will flee from us.
When you stand against the devil in Jesus’ name and the devil flees, and you have caused his plans against you to lie in ruins. That is a picture worthy of seeing in your mind.
After Samson defeated the roaring lion he came back some time later and came across the carcass of the lion. Notice that the word “carcass” is mentioned twice in that verse. Each time it is mentioned it has a slightly different meaning in the Hebrew. In the first mention it means that which is fallen lies in ruin and is overthrown. The second time it is mentioned “carcass” means the picture of defeat and humiliation.
When you revisit those places where you stood against the plans of the enemy in the power of Jesus you will always see a picture of Satan’s defeat and humiliation in Jesus.
The obstacles that the enemy puts in your path are already ruined and defeated in Jesus. All we have to do is enforce what Jesus had done by standing in faith and speaking the Word in that season. Satan is already defeated and humiliated! We are told of this in Colossians 2:15, Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. Jesus has provided the victory! Enforce it and then revisit those victories to strengthen yourself daily in your Christian walk
J Todd Hostetler