The Command Not To Worry

Jan 28, 2017Written Devotionals

“Then He said to His disciples, “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you will put on.”    Luke 12:22   NKJV

If we believe that the Bible means what it says then this is a verse that few of take seriously.  For if we believed what it says we would live our lives differently.  We live as though Jesus did not mean this, but He clearly says to His disciples that they are not to be worried about the things of life.  We read this verse and it seems so much at odds with the reality of our lives that we live our lives as though this was a quaint admonition from Jesus’ day but it is not possible for us to expect that we could live like today.  No one could really expect us to live without being concerned and worried about things like our work, our kids, our schedule and all of the things that cause us to reach such excessive degrees of anxiety Could they?  Could Jesus mean that?  Well it is what He said and it is what He expects of us.  This is what is expected of each of us

Please note it was not just a mere suggestion that Jesus offered to them, and in effect to us.  Jesus said plainly “do not” in reference to the cares and anxieties that surround us daily.  The things of this life are not to cause you any trouble or concern; there are no exceptions, just a clear defining of what He expected of them and of us.  Wow, when you think of it in those terms you realize that we are off the mark most of the time.  We feel justified in our worries about health, finances, families and so many other things.  This verse makes it clear that we are not justified in those worries.  In fact, we are in disobedience to His direct command.  So if you find it impossible not to worry about life, then take heart.  Jesus would never command us to do something that would be impossible for us to do.   If worry is an issue in your life this should strengthen your hope to overcome that hindrance to your daily life.  If He expects it from us then He will empower you to accomplish it.

How then do we avoid those worries that so easily overtake us every day?  Remember that we are told to release those concerns to Jesus, to give them over to Him.  In 1 Peter 5:7 it says, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. We are to cast our cares upon Him and trust that He is faithful to always do as He promised in meeting our needs.  If we obsess with worry, we are blinded to this truth about a life and will walk in the fullness of life that He desires for us.  This is all really Jesus saying. “The Father has good things that He has established for you and He wants you to have all that He has provided, in His abundance.

What do you feel justified in worrying about today?  Remember His command and let of go those fears and anxieties.  Stop obsessing over the things of life and bring your focus instead to a healthy concentration on Jesus.

J Todd Hostetler

Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the Lord’s house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And peoples shall flow to it.  Many nations shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths.”  For out of Zion the law shall go forth, And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.  Micah 4:1-2   NKJV

This verse speaks of the days that we are in and the days that are fast approaching us.  While this speaks of the mountains of Jerusalem, both Mount Mariah and Mount Zion, this also has application for today.

The prophet is saying that in the latter days the world will be seeking the wisdom of the Lord.  The world will actually desire the truth of the Word and the new life in Jesus.  It talks about the world coming to the mountains of God, and the house of the Lord, or the Temple.  The world will actually be looking for the teaching of the ways of the Lord.  Now that sounds contrary to what we believe because we see evidence of the world (and especially our culture) going hard and fast in the opposite direction of the things of the Lord.  But we should never be dismayed about this.  The troubled times that result from the misdirection of our culture ultimately leads to the disappointment and despair of the flesh.  When people realize that the world offers them nothing but defeat and hopelessness, the individual is then open to the truth of Jesus and His Word.

A key to this verse is that the people shall flow to the top of the mountains of Jerusalem.  I have seen the hill on the eastern side of Jerusalem. It is a steep rise that was even more so in Biblical times.  With that knowledge how is it possible that people shall flow up the mountain?  The picture of “flowing up” is a picture of water flowing and we know that water does not naturally flow up the side of mountain, rather it flows down.  This shows that draw of the people to the kingdom of God, to the Temple or God, to Word of God will be a supernatural event.

The temple of today is in us.  We are the ones that the world will be drawn to when they see the powerful truth of the Word in us.  Let’s pray for those around us that need Jesus in this life. Let’s pray that we can lead them in that upward flow to Jesus

The flow up hill is supernatural and our prayer and thanks is for the Holy Spirit to be preparing those we love and care for to make that flow uphill to Him.

J Todd Hostetler



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