Seasons Come To Pass
10 “And: “You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. 11 They will perish, but You remain; And they will all grow old like a garment; 12 Like a cloak You will fold them up, And they will be changed. But You are the same, And Your years will not fail.” Hebrews 1:10-13 NKJV
In these verses, the author of Hebrews is referring to how the time will come when all of His creation will be changed and this season of the fallen world will end. This time of the natural will be replaced because it is not forever. His plans always remain and will transpire. The old passes and gives way to the new things in Him, for He remains the same and His years and His plans for the years will never fail.
In the same manner, the plans that He has for you will never fail, even though they seem impossible and at times unimaginable. They shall come to pass. You may be going through a season of struggle in life. Perhaps you are facing a health issue, or job concern, or a family matter, and any other number of things designed by the deceiver of this world to discourage you in life. It may seem like a long season of struggle but the good thing about seasons is this, they all come to end. Every season ends and gives way to another. If you are going through a winter, do not be disheartened. This season will end and the season of spring is on its way.
Always remember that the season of His victory and deliverance is upon you. It is the season He has prepared for you, a season established from the foundations of time. One season will close and a new season is upon you. It can happen in an instant, just as winter can give way to spring in an instant. One day is cold and dark and the next day is bright and warm, the first day of a new season He has prepared for you.
It does not matter what has been in the past or what you have experienced. All that has been in the past is about to be rolled away and His plan that has been in place for you since the beginning of time is ready to be rolled out in this life.
Remember that the Lord is always the same and the verse above says that all His years will not fail. Rest assured that all that is planned shall come to pass. Nothing can stop His faithfulness. Nothing can stop His plans for us either, well nothing except us. Believe for His promises regardless of what you see at present, for the present situation shall yield to His promises for you. Believe that and be excited about what is just ahead of you. His years for you will not fail!
His season of blessing and deliverance is upon you, so rejoice and thank Him even before we see it unfold.
J Todd Hostetler