Pursue The Power Of The Word
“But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” 6 And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking.” Luke 5:5-6 NKJV
The people had been pressing in to hear more of the Word from Jesus. To accommodate all those who desired to hear Him Jesus sat in a fisherman’s boat, Peter’s boat. He had Peter put the boat out a little bit so that all could hear. After teaching the multitudes Jesus told Simon Peter to launch out into the deep waters and let down the nets for a catch of fish. Then we see the results in the verses above. Peter obeyed even though he had no previous success there and in so doing he caught an unbelievable catch of fish.
The people had followed Jesus because they had seen the truth in His teachings and the power of His Words. They followed Him for more of the Word and found in it a value worth leaving behind the responsibilities of their daily life to hear more from Jesus. His Words were worth the sacrifice for them. Do we see that same value in His Word? It was not convenient for them to follow the Word and hear it, and yet they did. It is easy for us to find the Word, but we never find the time to pursue it. It seemingly does not hold the same value for us.
Peter was at the right place at the right time. He heard the Word Jesus taught and responded in faith to that Word of authority spoken by Jesus. He saw the value to the point that after an unsuccessful day of fishing, when Jesus said for him to put out and cast his nets for a harvest, Peter did. This had to make no sense in the natural but He had heard the Word and recognized the truth in it and obeyed. Following the Word was certainly not convenient for Peter, but he pursued the truth of the Word obediently. In response to the miracle of the haul of fish in his net the Word tells us that right then this fisherman left everything to follow Jesus. He saw the value of the Word and wanted more, so much more that Peter would pursue it at the cost of all else. He left everything to follow, to pursue the Word of Jesus.
The Word of God is always before you. Seek and pursue the Word and Jesus will respond as He did with these people and with Peter. He will always give the Word with power to those who desire it. Sacrificially pursue the Word. Put yourself daily in the Word’s presence. Hear the Word and receive its power every day in your life!
J Todd Hostetler