Israel Tour

Once we have tasted the good things that come from knowing the Bible, we hunger for more. To know more of the Word is to know Jesus with greater intimacy because Jesus reveals himself to us through His Word. One of the best ways to learn anything is to experience it. In the dictionary a word related to “experience” is “intimacy.”

Experience the Bible in a deeper way by encountering the Word where it happened, in Israel! Nothing replaces the value of experience; it develops insight and creates a personal experience you will always remember.

To gain intimate “knowing” of Jesus from the Word, experience the Bible in the land where it is still unfolding and being revealed today. Donna and I invite you to join us in experiencing the Word in Israel.


The mission of City On A Hill Teaching Center is to teach the Word and to strengthen and encourage people in their daily walk with Jesus. To partner in this work we welcome you to give.

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