Where Have You Pitched Your Tent?
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” Psalm 91:1 NKJ
Psalm 91 says there is a place of safety and protection for us against anything if we choose to dwell there. To start, we need an understanding of what is meant by the “Most High”. The implication is that the Most High is the actual possessor of all things in heaven and on earth. Nothing is above Him. So when trouble comes we need to remember that the one who offers us this place of sanctuary from the things of this world is the same one that is the possessor of every good thing that we require.
At the point that we find ourselves in difficult circumstances, we need to find out where we really are. If we have a relationship with Him, then we have the freedom to dwell with Him and in that place of protection. However, too often we chose to dwell right smack in the middle of the trouble instead and we pitch our tent and camp there. That becomes the place where all of our thoughts are directed, never really casting a hopeful glance in God’s direction even though we are welcome to dwell in His protective arms.
Whatever you are facing today, here is the question you need to ask: “Where am I camped? Where have I chosen to pitch my tent?” We either pitch our tent in the situation we are facing, or in Him. We either dwell on the problem or we dwell with the Most High. We are either living in the physical realm or the spiritual and supernatural realm. If I am discouraged, or frightened or depressed that is a really good indication that I have pitched my tent in the natural realm and my problems. I am camped out there. Upon that realization, we need to pull up our tent stakes and move to Him so that we can dwell with the Almighty.
Dwelling in the Most High is also a secret place. It is not a place where the enemy can easily find you and it is not a place that he has access to either. It is like a secret club and we have a lifetime membership. It further says that we will “abide in the shadow of the Almighty’! To abide is to find residence and permanence. The only time we leave that dwelling place is when we remove ourselves, by our own decisions and blindness of spiritual sight. It is in that blindness that we wander away and find ourselves dwelling back in the problems. God has not left us; we have wandered away from Him.
Find one final piece of encouragement from verse 8, which in the Amplified Bible reads like this:
“Only a spectator shall you be [yourself inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High] as you witness the reward of the wicked.”
If we are dwelling in the Most High and have pitched our tent there, this verse makes it clear that we are untouchable and unreachable from the destructive ploys of the enemy. If we dwell with the Most High we are inaccessible in that place. Are you in a tough situation today? Ask yourself this, “Where have I pitched my tent? Am I dwelling in trouble or the secret place of the Most High?” And if you are positioned improperly, it is time to pull the tent stakes and dwell in the protective covering of the Almighty!
J Todd Hostetler