What The Enemy Meant For Evil God Turns To Good
“But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good….” Gen. 50:20 NKJ
In Genesis, after his brothers had perpetrated wrongs against Joseph, he told them essentially, what you meant for evil, God intended for good.
We are all faced with situations that seemingly will overwhelm and defeat us. We ask God, “Why is this happening to me?” Remember, when life seems out of control that what the devil means for evil Jesus will turn around for good. If you are in the midst of an evil attack by the enemy, realize that the matter is not over yet. If you keep your eyes on the Lord, He will turn the situation around to your good. Impossible?
A few years ago I was in a car accident. The driver that struck me was blinded by a semi and was accelerating when he hit me, not braking to avoid contact. He hit my car with such force that it literally spun my car around one hundred and eighty degrees, out of my lane and into oncoming traffic.
My car was decimated and I was frustrated. I stood there looking at my car, with the passenger door lying on the road. It is easy to get centered on self and feel sorry for yourself when things happen. As a result, I wound up at a business, waiting for a ride home. There, I had the opportunity to meet a young lady who was deeply depressed and defeated. We talked about the Lord and His love for an hour. Then we prayed. When we had finished she had tears of joy as she renewed her relationship with the Lord. She said to me that it was God’s timing that I was there when I was.
It made me realize that what the enemy intended for my destruction, God turned around for His good. The enemy tried to harm me and the result was that not only did God supernaturally protect me (as I was totally unharmed), but God took another soul away from the enemy’s cruel clutches and she is now walking in His joy. If we keep our eyes on the Lord and not the circumstances that unfold in life, we will realize that in everything that seems like a misfortune can be turned around to your good and His glory.
Is the adversary of your soul attacking you to harm you? Whatever he means for evil in your life God will turn around for good. Confidently watch and see how Jesus turns it all around.
J Todd Hostetler