What Kind Of Year Is Ahead Of You

Dec 29, 2017Written Devotionals

And God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.”     Gen. 1:14   NKJ

With each passing year, we watch human events unfold and think it has been a landmark year.  Then the following year is marked with events that surpass the previous one, both on the world’s stage and in our individual lives.  This past year witnessed many global events that altered our initial expectations for the year.  Your life was also marked with noteworthy events that have changed you.  So here we are standing on the threshold of yet another year and the question is “do we look ahead with anticipation or with anxiety?”

Many of us look to the New Year as an opportunity for change.  If last year was a disaster, we see the coming year an opportunity for change.  I know that many people say that God doesn’t mark the years as we do, that one year to the next will not represent a change of seasons in our lives because it is a qualifier that man designates, not God.

While it is true that these are human time measurements, I think it unwise to say that these declarations have no meaning to God.  In the very beginning, God set forth designations for the purpose of marking time as we see demonstrated in the verse above.  God fully intended for us to measure and mark the changes of time and years.  He did this so that those very signs would be tokens of His providential care for us throughout those times.  They are reminders to us of His goodness.  And that is how it is expressed in the Amplified Bible.

“And God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be signs and tokens [of God’s provident care], and [to mark] seasons, days, and years,”

So, let’s enjoy the fact that one season is ending and a new one is beginning.  If last year was a season of hardship for you, then look ahead with the expectation of a better year ahead.  We can find encouragement for the year ahead from Isaiah chapter 61.  It talks about the acceptable year of the Lord (the year of His favor).  How about this new year becoming one where you see His favor in your life?  Here is what you can expect according to the chapter:  1) Consolation and joy to those who mourn [vs. 3]. 2) The ability and reason to praise God instead of heaviness and burdens that oppress [vs. 3]. 3) A rebuilding of what was previously destroyed (things you thought you had lost and can be re-established in your life). Past failures turned to victories and not just for today but future generations [vs. 4].  5) The world and those who do not serve God will make provision for you [(vs. 5].

So why should this be the year of the Lord’s favor in your life?  Quite simply, it is a true statement for every year.  Jesus became the fulfillment of that verse, in Luke 4:18, and 19, and He proclaims himself to be the one of Isaiah 61!  These things are already established for you.  The question then simply becomes what are you and I believing for this year in the Lord?

J Todd Hostetler




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