The Power That Is In You

Mar 4, 2017Written Devotionals

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”  Ephesians 3:20         NIV


Are you tired of waiting for God to move in your life with power and victory?  Have you given up yet?  When you do finally reach the point of being weary in waiting to see the Lord’s power, you are probably on the precipice of great things.

The reason many of us never see the miracle working power of Jesus in our lives is because we are doing just what I described above, waiting on Him.  Today’s verse reveals a key to seeing the amazing power of God move.  It says He does immeasurably [that means more than you could imagine, and I have a good imagination], according to the power that is at work where?  In Us!

We have a vital part to play in seeing the power of Jesus move today.  It is a power through us.  We have to be involved.  Today He is standing by waiting to move mightily in your life but you have to be a participant.  In effect, He has limited Himself by giving us the power, through Him.

How do we do activate or incorporate that power into our lives?  Use the authority that He has given you.  If your finances are in trouble, don’t beg Jesus to do something.  He has already done it by giving you authority in Him.  Speak to your finances and tell them to be blessed and multiplied.  Speak blessing over your finances and bind the enemy in ways that he is hindering your money.  Speak that in the name of Jesus and watch the results.  It is the power that is at work within you!

In every area of need in your life, there is a promise in the Word that you can stand on, a promise that is for you.  As you speak that verse and believe it in faith, you will see that power at work through you.

Get up on your faith!  Play your part in the spiritual development and advancement of your life.  Don’t wait on the Lord.  He has already done His part.  Start doing your part today.

J Todd Hostetler



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