The Immediacy Of Jesus
“Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away.” Matthew 14:22 NKJV
The disciples are just going through another day in training with Jesus. What He has instructed for this day is that they get into a boat and go to the other side, away from the multitudes. Nothing seems out of the ordinary here at all. Then the seas get rough, they can make no progress and Jesus walks out to them on the water. He calms their fears and Peter asks to walk on the water as well. He does, and then, of course, he gets sidetracked by life and begins to sink. Jesus raises him up, asks him why he doubted and then as he and Peter enter the boat the winds cease. The other disciples then worshiped Jesus and acknowledged that He is the Son of God.
The first thing for us to notice in this story is the realization that Jesus operates in our life with immediacy. Notice that the word “immediately” appears a second time and then a third time in this short little story of only 13 verses. Now that is significant.
In verse 10 above we see there is immediacy in what Jesus plans for us. To the disciples, it probably appeared to be just a slow and lazy day on the water as they traveled to the other side. But Jesus had plans and He puts those plans into action with immediacy. Then in verse 27, we see immediacy in Jesus once more: But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”
He had immediate plans for them, for their good and deliverance. But as soon as life’s storms brought fear to their hearts He was right there and immediately spoke peace to them. As soon as we start to get uncertain or even a little fearful regarding the things in this life, Jesus is immediately there with words of peace, comfort and cheer! Listen for His words at the very moment fear begins to rise in our thoughts and hearts.
Finally, we see the word “immediately” one final time in the story from verse 31: “And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” Even as Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and began to sink in the defeat of the world, Jesus was right there and immediately stretched out His hand and saved Him.
I know things look like they are moving slowly as you await His plans for your future, but that is only from our perspective. Jesus is a God of immediacy when it comes to things concerning you. And He is there to encourage you immediately with His truth and love, at the moment you feel fearful of the present or future. He is there immediately to catch you when any trouble threatens you along the way to the place of His plans and destination for you. His word for you today is “immediate”. Take your comfort and pleasure in that truth!
J Todd Hostetler