The Father of Mercy
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NKJV
One of the great blessings in Jesus Christ is comfort in the midst of the trial. We will all face struggles and problems in this life. Some of them may seem overwhelming and impossible to overcome. Others may seem unfair and underserved making our misery that much more intense, but Paul is telling us from his experience that in all trials he was able to find comfort, a comfort that is not of this world but a supernatural comfort that is only found in our dear Lord. Because Paul found that comfort he was able to comfort others in the Word as He was comforted in Christ.
That is a great blessing that is ours in Jesus and yet that is a blessing that eludes most of us when we are going through trials and tribulations. It is hard to find that peace, and the reason it is hard for us is because we are often not looking to Jesus for the comfort, assurance and deliverance. Instead we are just riding through the storm hoping we can weather it and remain standing at the end. Why do we trust in ourselves to stand when we can stand in Jesus and experience His comfort, strength and deliverance through our tribulations? Often times it is simply because we are not trained to turn to Him with hope that is founded upon our faith in His name. As we learn to turn to Him and face the trials with Him we will learn just as Paul did, of this supernatural comfort and peace when we are in trouble. That is a determination we need to learn to make in life, turn to Him with expectation in tribulation.
However there is another reason we tend to not experience His comfort and deliverance in trials. It is because we often know that trouble we face is a result of our own actions and choices. Sometimes we know that we alone are at fault and have brought this trouble upon ourselves. Since we know we brought this upon ourselves at some level we tend to feel that we deserve this and so we accept the tribulation and the results of the trial. While it is true we deserve it, we need to see one vitally important phrase in verse three. Our God is “the Father of mercies”!! Oh the freedom and release found in that phrase. Mercy means God is not giving us what we deserve. He is the Father of mercies! He does not want you to suffer through lives tribulations even those you have brought upon yourself.
Turn to Him in humble repentance and the Father of mercy will flood you with His supernatural comfort and deliverance in His great mercy. There is absolutely no reason for you not to be walking in His comfort and deliverance today regardless of the tribulation.
J Todd Hostetler