Speak Fearlessly In Boldness
“So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” Hebrews 13:6 NKJV
How often do we say anything boldly when it comes to the things of the Word? Often we say things hopefully, perhaps even desperately, but rarely do we speak with boldness regarding the Word and what it promises to us. We listen to the things of the world and even the words of man, which compromises our ability to speak with this kind of boldness.
It is important for us to see what is said in the verse that directly precedes this one. At the end of verse 5, we are told that Jesus says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. That is pretty strong language to assure us that He is with us and that He will be there with us with His power. Then what can the world do to us, what can man do to us? We have the promises of Jesus and his Word to stand on and when we operate in those words in faith, he will bring them to pass to the fullest measure. He is our helper and we have nothing to fear.
Let’s examine Jesus’ promise to” never leave us nor forsake us” more closely. By reading that verse in the Amplified Bible we see exactly what He means when He says this. Listen to His commitment to being with you, to be present with you in power and victory; “I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not,[I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]”.
His promise to you is that He will not (emphatically) let you down or ever let you go. Assuredly He will not. That is a powerful way to assure you that He is faithful. Now we can look at verse 6 above and speak boldly regarding the things of the Word. We should have comfort and total peace in His promises in the Word because assuredly He will not let us down. This is more than just a promise it is evidence that is already a reality.
Do you believe Jesus would speak this strongly and then not be willing or able to fulfill what He has spoken? The answer is not only will He, He already has. The Lord is your helper and His Word will not disappoint you, nor let you down. If you can see that, then you can speak boldly whenever problems arise in life. You can boldly speak His promises over sickness, financial worries, emotional distress or anything that this world and man can attempt against you. You have His assurance of victory and the power of His Word. So speak that Word with boldness and confidence. Speak His promises boldly, without fear or dread for He has said He “will in no way” fail you. Speak fearlessly and with boldness.
J Todd Hostetler