Knowing The Hidden Things
12” Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. 13 These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” 1 Corinthians 2:12-13 NKJV
Here in the second chapter of 1 Corinthians, Paul is teaching us regarding the hidden things of the Lord. In the verses leading up to the verses above, Paul tells us that the hidden things of the Lord are hidden from the natural mind, but not from those who are in Christ. We have the Holy Spirit revealing His wisdom to us. God does not hide any truths from you as His child. He wants you to know Him and know His plans for this world and your life.
Also, in the verses that precede these Paul reminds us that we have the mind of Christ. That means that what has been hidden from the world is revealed to you as a believer. The Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God for you and reveals them to you. We have only to learn to listen. Your best efforts, your most dedicated scrutiny of a situation can’t determine the proper direction for your life but the divine counsels of God will be revealed to you by the Holy Spirit.
Then we come to these two verses above. The Holy Spirit dwells within you and you will no longer be kept blind by the spirit of this world. Now you can know all things which have been given to you freely by God. Picture it this way; God has lavishly bestowed upon us the gift of this knowledge. We need to avail ourselves of this wisdom and take advantage of it in our daily lives. This very knowledge of God is given to you personally. Think about that. You might feel as though you are not worthy of such blessing, or you might reflect on the past and say that has not been your history. Don’t look backward. Be forward looking with a grateful heart of expectation for the wisdom of the Lord that the Holy Spirit is lavishly pouring out upon you. If you believe it, then hear it, and receive it in faith.
In verse 13 Paul says all that the Lord speaks to you will no longer be hidden from you, but it will be spoken to you through His Spirit to your spirit. He is saying that God, as Spirit, speaks to your spirit and then your spirit speaks to your soul or your mind. It sounds like you because it is in your mind and thoughts, but it is, in fact, Him speaking to your spirit and your spirit conveying that to your soul.
Learn to listen and hear His unhidden truths for you in this life.
J Todd Hostetler