It’s In There
“Then Peter said, ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong.” Acts 3:6-7 NIV
Don’t forget what is invested in you as a child of the King. We often reach out to help those in need around us, offering our finances, time or wisdom. While all these things have value, they are not the best that you have to offer. We forget what is invested in us through Christ’s victory over sin. We are too quick to give man’s best when what people really need is the Lord’s best. And that is already in you.
The crippled man is looking for a gift of money. Finances were definitely something he required, but they would not meet his ultimate need which was healing. So he looked to Peter and John for man’s kind of help, willing to settle for less than the best.
However, Peter surprised him by saying that he could not give him a gift of the world, but what he did have he would give to the crippled man. What he had to offer him was Jesus’s best, healing.
A few things to note, Peter did not say to the man, “Wait, let me check and see if it is the Lord’s desire for you to be healed.” He knew it was God’s will to heal. When you are looking to bless those around you, know what promises Jesus has given and stand steadfast on those promises.
Then Peter said something we should take to our hearts. “What I have I give to you.” Peter understood what Jesus had already invested in him. He comprehended the power in him was through Jesus. It is the same power that is invested in you as a believer! The power to heal was from Christ, but it was in him.
As you pour into the lives of those around you don’t just give them your best. Give them the Lord’s best by knowing what is invested in you through Jesus Christ. The power to heal is in you through faith in His Word. The power to speak life over broken marriages, abundance into financial despair, to encourage and bring unbelievers to a saving knowledge of Jesus is in you. It is already invested in you. Act upon it and really be a blessing in people’s lives.
Remember the old spaghetti sauce commercial that promised: “It’s in there”? Well, that is true for you. All the good stuff is already in there because of your relationship with Christ.
J Todd Hostetler