It Is Already Yours
2”May grace (God’s unmerited favor) and spiritual peace [which means peace with God and harmony, unity, and undisturbedness] be yours from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 3May blessing (praise, laudation, and eulogy) be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) Who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual (given by the Holy Spirit) blessing in the heavenly realm!” Ephesians 1:2-3 Amplified Bible
I reminded my wife one time that all that we have need of in our life is already provided for us through Jesus Christ. That is a good reminder for all of us, but for some, this might be brand new information. Do you believe this statement is true for your life? Consider what the verses above tell us.
Verse 2 speaks of God’s favor for us, as well as the peace that comes only from Him, but it begins with the word “may”. The indication is that these things are set aside for you already, in fact, that is established in the very next verse, but just because it is set aside for you is not the same thing as having those things in your possession at this moment. They may be yours, but it is up to you to receive them and make them yours. Jesus has done His part and provided them, and paid for these things, but it is up to us as to whether those gifts and promises become a reality in your life. You have to take hold of it and possess it.
The “favor” of God that is spoken of these verses speaks for itself. It is His blessings in all the areas of your life and your work, not based upon your deserving it, but rather simply because of his love for you. His “favor” is the deliverance over all the frustrations and disappointments that you face. It is “favor” to advance beyond what you have thought or desired.
It then speaks of the “peace”. Wow, that is what we desire for all areas of our life, .harmony, unity and undisturbedness. It has already been procured on your behalf by the Lord and you may have it. “May have it” not in the sense that it may or may not work out, you just never know. But rather in the sense that if I am asking you for something that you have, you would say “well certainly you may have it”. Whether or not I have it is up to me, it has already been given over to me should I accept and receive it.
So then how do I take possession of these gifts that are set aside for me? Well, that is what verse 3 addresses for us. This verse tells me that there is nothing that I need which has not already been provided for me in the spiritual realm. Whatever you face today and this week comes as no surprise to God, and in His love and favor for you, He has already provided all that you require to not only overcome but to be victorious where no one else could hope to in their own strength. You have no idea what faces you this week and as such have no idea what you need to overcome, but Your Father has already seen what is ahead, seen what you require and provided it for you already in the heavenly realm. It is there waiting for you. Know that this is true and as verse 3 starts out by giving praise to God, start this day and this week by thanking God for the things that you have not even seen yet, which He has already prepared and established for you. If you know that, if you have confidence in that, then you are well on your way to both the favor and the peace and “undisturbedness” that you require to have a peaceful and overcoming week in spite of anything that anyone may do there this week.
J Todd Hostetler