In Conclusion
10 In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides]. Ephesians 6:10 Amplified Bible
The pressures the enemy can place on us in life can sometimes feel crushing. What is going on in your life today that feels like it is taking you under? It can seem as though there is no means of escape and hopelessness can overwhelm us. But remember this; the pressures the enemy brings to bear in your life are just an illusion. There is nothing he can do to you because you already have the victory and you already have the plan of God in front of you. You have every good thing He has already readied for you!!
So, no matter what life throws your way, your conclusion is already established. As stated in the verse above, “In conclusion” then, be strong because you are empowered by who you are in Jesus. You have all the power, all the enemy has is deception and fear. So when you hear rumors or if things are said to you that are contrary to the promises you have in Jesus, it is just the enemies attempt to instill fear in you. You are empowered with His promises and because you are in union with Him.
You have strength in Him and you do not have to stir strength in yourself. It is His strength in you and all you do is draw upon it. That strength in you is limitless. You may feel like the enemy of your soul has an endless supply of grief and struggle to inflict upon you and that you do not have the strength or energy to continue to stand in the face of those assaults. But you do have the energy and strength because that which is in you from Jesus is limitless. You will have the strength and energy to continue to stand and stand victoriously because He is in you.
I will finish by going back to the beginning of the verse. “In conclusion, be strong in the Lord…” This is the end of the matter for you, “be strong”. He is in you with limitless victories in every area of your life, but for this to become reality in our lives we have to “be” strong. In other words it is a choice for us to make. We can either be strong or not, the decision is ultimately left to us. Be strong in Him and be encouraged by the truth of Ephesians 6:10.
J Todd Hostetler