Identity Crisis
“Out of the mouths of babes and unweaned infants You have established strength…” Psalm 8:2 Amplified Bible
I have found that a lot of people in the Body of Christ have an identity crisis when it comes to spiritual matters. There may be times that we get discouraged because we see ourselves as weak in our spiritual walk, or as being weaker than we would like. Our faith feels small as we look at others. When we look at ministers on television or even believers we might feel so inept spiritually. We all feel this way at some point with some people. The truth is that you are equal to even the greatest ministers of our day. Even the ones you see as being the “super believers” of the Body. You are equal because you have the same Jesus and His power, in you. All the potential is already in you, you have all you need right now. Isn’t that great?
In the verse above we read that “Out of the mouths of those who are infants, He has established strength”. His strength is for the weak, even in those that are yet babes in Him. It is liberating to realize that it is not your strength. It is the power of Jesus that is in you, His strength in you.
You may feel as though you are just a babe on certain days and you may feel like you are not strong in your spiritual walk, but realize who you are, and more importantly, who it is that is in you. He has established strength in you because He is in you. Today you operate in His full power and authority not based on your merit, not based upon how you feel, but based on who you are in Christ. Even in your weakness, He has established strength!
I was recently looking a book of the Hostetler family records. It listed all of the Hostetler lines from as far back as 1840. There were about 75 pages of Hostetler’s that shared nothing more than a name, date of birth, who they married, and who their children were. The amazing thing to me was that in those literally hundreds and hundreds of listings, they even listed the names of children who only lived for days or even hours. They did not live long lives and yet they were still listed in the book. They were still part of the family. You may feel like only a babe in the things of the God, but you are in the book, in the family, and in His power and strength which is established even out of the mouths of babes.
You may feel like a babe in Him, but eliminate the identity crisis. You are a member of the family and in the book, so expect there to be power and strength in your life through Him.
J Todd Hostetler