How To Achieve Success
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8 NKJV
We all desire success in our lives, not just in the business or professional realm, but in all areas including our relationships, health, and spiritual life. And yet most people struggle to find success in any one area of their life, let alone all of them. If you are searching for success then it makes sense to look to the Word of God to find the keys to success. With that in mind, here is a significant revelation: there is only place in the entire Bible that uses the word “success”. It is found in the first chapter of Joshua.
If that is the only place that talks about it then doesn’t it make sense that we should give credence to what that verse says? That verse truly reveals to us how to achieve success in our lives. The first thing we see from the verse is a focus on the “Book of the Law”. The starting place for us should be the Word of God, and that makes sense because in Romans chapter 10 we are told that “faith comes by hearing the Word.” The way to build up your faith and thus your ability to succeed in life is the Word. Quite simply, it is impossible for you to find success if you are not in the Word of God. If I am not enjoying success in life then that should be an indicator to me that I am probably not spending enough time in the Word.
The next revelation is that the Word needs to be ever present on my lips. I think many of us lose our success because we do not spend much time speaking the Word. That means we speak the Word of God directly to the situations that are before us. Speaking the Word will give us strength. When you’re reading the Word how many times do you read it out loud? I know that may seem uncomfortable, but once again “faith comes from hearing the Word”! You strengthen yourself as you speak the Word with your own lips and tongue.
The next key to our success comes from meditating on the Word. Most of the time because of the time constraints of our day we read the Word then close the Bible and go off into our day. We fail to “meditate” on it. We miss so much by skipping this step. It is during the time of meditation that the Holy Spirit will reveal things from what you read and it will always be fresh. Even if you had read that verse a hundred times previously, when you meditate on it, you will find something new and relevant to your current situation. Because the Word of God is “living and active” we miss this when we fail to meditate on what we have read in the Word.
The final point about success from this verse is that “You will make your way prosperous”. The responsibility for success is in our hands. If we follow the wisdom of Joshua 1:8 we will experience success. How often have you held a grudge against God because He has not given you success in your life? Well, this demonstrates that the responsibility is totally ours. If we follow the instructions of Joshua 1:8 we will then make our way successful. The degree of success we will experience will be tied directly to the degree we apply this Word to our life.
J Todd Hostetler