He Has Given You Everything
32 “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” Romans 8:32 NKJV
How often do we go through our day thinking about the things we need and don’t have? It is easy with the natural mind to focus on what we do not have and what we perceive that we need to get through the day, week or just through life. While it is easy to see what we don’t have it is harder to realize and know the greater reality which is that God, your Heavenly Father, has indeed given us everything that we need. That is not a generalization. He has truthfully given us everything that we need in this life through Jesus Christ, everything!
Think of it. God motivated by His immeasurable love for you, gave Jesus, His own Son. He truly gave everything for so that you might have a relationship with Him once more. He gave everything so that you could have everything, becoming joint heirs with Jesus in all things. He gave His best, Jesus, for you. If He spared nothing at all but gave His all in Jesus, then why would He hold anything else from you? We tend to think that we have to beg God for healing, deliverance or anything that we have need of in this life. We think we have to work to convince God to release any small favor upon us. But He has already given all so why then would He withhold anything from you now? He has established everything you need in this life through Jesus: “as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue”. 2 Peter 1:3 NKJV
We fall under the misconception that we need to have more faith to receive the His blessings and favor in our lives. We make it so difficult for ourselves to receive when it is really not hard. He is withholding nothing from us. We simply have to believe and reach out and possess it. You have all the faith you need right now to receive all He has prepared and established for you. When you accepted the sacrificial work of Jesus on your behalf, His Spirit came to dwell within your spirit. He truly dwells within you, as He dwells within your renewed spirit. So, you have Jesus within you and thus you have His faith within you already. You don’t require any more faith. You have to believe that He is not withholding anything from you and then operate in that faith which resides in you then receive what He has established for you in every area of your life!
He has given all so His desire for you is to have all He has prepared for you. It is all prepared for you in the spiritual realm. He even gave you His faith so that you have the faith to receive all He has for you. With this understanding, walk into every good thing He has prepared for you in this life!
J Todd Hostetler