Guard Your Deposit
20 “O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge— 21 by professing it some have strayed concerning the faith.” 1 Timothy 6:20-21 NKJV
This letter from Paul to Timothy is the letter of guidance and investment that comes from a loving mentor to the one that he is mentoring. We read this letter today and we can also receive from and apply the lessons and mentorship of Paul into our lives of service to Jesus. Additionally, the words in these two verses are the words with which Paul ends his letter. This is the final thought that he is leaving with his pupil and that gives it an extra highlight when I consider these words myself. This is a valuable lesson from Paul to you and me.
In these two verses, Paul tells Timothy to guard and keep what God has deposited in him. It is with certainty that we can know that He has deposited so many good things in each of us collectively as His saints, and individually as His children. We should treasure these things as we think of them, but at the root, all those things are invested in us because of one truth, The Holy Spirit has been invested in us.
Paul’s admonition is that Timothy (and us today) needs to guard that which was committed to us which was His Spirit poured into us. This is a trust that we should safeguard with all that we are. We don’t want to grieve the Holy Spirit who is in us by placing ourselves in compromising places, or by allowing our minds and souls to be filled the contamination of the world. This is why Paul puts an emphasis on avoiding things that would disrespect that which is entrusted to us.
We should stay away from all things that are profane. How much evil and that which is opposed to the Word of God have I allowed into my thoughts recently? I need to consider what I have allowed to enter my sight, hearing and all the things of the world that have influenced my senses. We should not be involved with things that are contradictory to His nature nor feeding ourselves on what the world considers to be knowledge.
Paul is warning Timothy to be on guard because so many have indulged themselves in those things which are contrary to the Spirit of God and in so doing have damaged themselves by straying from the purity and power of the faith in His Word. Be on guard for what the Father has committed to you and deposited in you. It is nothing less than Jesus Himself through the Holy Spirit in you. Apply the words of the great mentor Paul into your life and be on guard!
J Todd Hostetler