Forgetting The Past To Know Him Better
of it], but there is one thing I always do. Forgetting the ·past [things that are behind] and ·straining toward [stretching/reaching forward to] what is ahead, 14 I keep ·trying to reach [pursuing; chasing] the goal and get the prize for which God called me ·to the life above [heavenward; upward] ·through [or in] Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14 Expanded Bible
In the two verses before those shared above, Paul was talking about knowing Jesus, becoming more familiar with Him and finding that oneness in Him. But then as he speaks about the “knowing” of Jesus, in verses 13 and 14, Paul says that he has not yet reached that goal of the fullness, of knowing Jesus. Even Paul was still learning and still laying hold of all that was in that relationship with Jesus. There was much that Paul did not know, but this one thing he was sure of, and he always was able to do, forgetting the past and moving forward with anticipation of greater things.
We all face things in this life are which are difficult and we find it hard to understand why we are in that situation. But in a few years, you will look back on this which seems so difficult now and will have forgotten the frustrations because by then they will all have long since been resolved. It will just be a memory of the fact that you were unhappy but you will not be experiencing that unhappiness. Then you will see the good things of the Lord you cannot see when you are in the moment. That day is coming and will overtake you when you are not expecting it. In the meantime, remember that yesterday is past and today will soon be the past as well. Put those behind you and do not reflect upon them for they create the distance in the “knowing” of Him!
Just look ahead with the confidence that He has something so much better for you. Just keep looking forward at Him and He alone, for really nothing else matters. Your current frustrating situation will soon be in the past, but what Jesus has for you today and for tomorrow is beyond your thoughts and hopes. Put yesterday behind and just thank Him for today and for the even better tomorrow. Forget the past and press forward. You then walk into His favor and blessing and the deeper “knowing” of Him.
J Todd Hostetler